Breakfast Bubby
Timothy Harper - Tue 3 March 2020, 12:49 am
Are you a morning person? Do you have your ritual sorted out? A glass of water, shower, shave and stretch, dress and eat and you're good to go?
Arguably which of these steps is the most important? Perhaps the shower, or a coffee to follow. Breakfast, I'm told by many is the most important meal of the day, but according to a study by Australian Food News found that almost half of Aussies skip breakfast at least once a week, and a further third up to three times a week.
Introducing the Breakfast Bubby, a smart fun way to start your day.
The Breakfast Bubby (BB) is a smart bubble wrap which you put your cereal box inside. You press the bubble buttons to wake up BB. It will then light up and flash colours until you shake out a recommended amount of cereal, and which point it will light up green and turn back off again.
This fun little interaction aims to encourage kids of all ages to eat breakfast and start the day right.
Inspirations / Links A study about Aussie eating habits A LED lighting array used to help grow food Touchable lighting which turns on and off when pressed or can be programmed to make a fun light show. Utilising accelerometers to add a new level of interactivity in turning on of a light.