
Benjamin Williams - Wed 26 February 2020, 8:22 pm
Modified: Wed 26 February 2020, 8:26 pm

Yoo, welcome to my first journal entry of DECO3850 :)

I'm in my last year of study of a BInfTech (UX/INFS) and I'm keen to finish it off by combing all the skills I've learnt to design and build a project. This hands on course should teach me a lot about the process behind physically building a project, rather than just designing and prototyping. Already, I've enjoyed being led around the workshops and shown how to use the machinery that we'll be able to use.

At this stage I'm not sure about any themes or the direction my project may go down, but I'm excited to find out what the group and myself will come up with. I have a range of interests from music to sport, so I'm keen to come up with an idea that I can really get behind. Otherwise, I'm going to struggle with the workload. I'm going to start research now...