Reflection on the learning method of watching videos

Tianrui Zhang - Sat 20 June 2020, 7:32 pm
Modified: Sat 20 June 2020, 7:37 pm

This week I watched the videos and ideas of the students from the other three groups, they are Team X, Team Hedgehog, and Team E.M.S. I first watched the video of Team X, and then I listed it. I can analyze your works and concepts from those angles.

First: say hello

Second: Overall evaluation is whether the sequence logic explained by the video is clear, whether the video shooting style is interesting, you can consider the time of the video, the sound effect of the video, etc.

Third: advantages

Fourth: suggestions and opinions

When evaluating, start angle/consideration

Evaluate the entire prototype:

  1. Evaluate whether the entire prototype concept function is easy to use,
  2. Are you creative?
  3. Are there similar products,
  4. Whether it can help or change or improve certain aspects of certain groups of people.
  5. Whether the core functions have been completed.
  6. Evaluate whether the prototype is reasonable and whether there are design defects (for example security issues, whether it can really solve the user's problems, will it cause other troubles to the user)

Evaluation design process:

  1. Logical problems in the design process
  2. Do you need to do other user research
  3. Put forward the technical issues to be considered, and the proposed technical implementation method

Evaluation of interactive design:

  1. Whether the interactive design method is novel
  2. Whether interaction design will make users feel convenient

After Luo listed this table, I would analyze from these aspects when watching every student's video. For the Team X group, I don't think I think their video shows the prototype. The division of work among the three students in Team X seems unreasonable. One classmate is mainly responsible for lighting effects, one classmate is responsible for sensor data generation and transmission, and another classmate is mainly for the Unity part. His task is to generate music from different transmission data. Because our group and Team X often took classes together in the campus life of the previous year, they are very good friends. We talked about the design of their group through instant-messaging tools. I chatted with Tianyi classmates a lot. The main worry of Tianyi classmates was that they could not correspond to the numbers generated by the sensors to different scales to create a piece of music. There are two kinds of suggestions to him; one is: for different pressure values, different scales are generated. For example, when the pressure value is 100-200, a "do" sound is emitted, and when the pressure value is 500-600, a "fa" sound is emitted. Another way is that different pressure values ​​represent different musical instruments and different sound colours. For example: when the force value is 100-200, the sound of "small drum" is emitted, and when the pressure value is 500-600, the sound of "big drum" is emitted.

For Team E.M.S and Team Hedgehog, because they are not very familiar with the students in these groups, they basically rely on watching their videos repeatedly and reading their reports to understand their works in these two ways. Team E.M.S is a game about housework. There are many game modes. This makes me feel that it is not very friendly to users. Users may spend more time to understand the operation mode of the game. In addition, I am very worried about the safety of this design. The space in the home is relatively small, and there are many things in it. This kind of game can easily knock over the items in the home. Finally, I am worried that although this game has stimulated everyone's interest in housework, it may not guarantee the quality of cleaning. I also learned a lot from the video of Team E.M.S. Their video is very logical, the structure is clear, and the production is very intentional.

For the Team Hedgehog group, the user group they follow is special, but at the same time, I guess this is also a difficulty in their design. Research on special populations can mainly rely on reading literature, but in the user test stage, especially now that everyone is isolated at home, I find it difficult to contact the real user group.

Reflection on the learning method of watching classmate videos

The learning and sharing method for evaluating videos with each other is very good, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to communicate with students in real-time. When you encounter video content that you don't understand, you want to hear the creator's explanation. Unfortunately, after commenting on everyone's work, I did not get a reply from the other party. I hope this teaching method improves.