Last Week!

Rhea Albuquerque - Tue 9 June 2020, 11:49 am

This Week

Over the weekend, I have been prepping for the live exhibit on discord. I have managed to set up a spare room in my house just to hold my prototype on the wall. I also will have room to have my laptop camera set up as well. Hopefully, all goes to plan with that on Wednesday.

Also on Saturday, I did some filming for my website. I need some demos of the various interactions with Emily and how it worked. I decided to split up all the demos into 5 videos, this makes it quicker for the viewer of my portfolio to see the key interaction.

Below is just one of the demos, but the rest can be found on my Portfolio. I thought it was fun filming, I got my dad and brother involved with it. It wasn't the best acting but I guess that all I have to work with (haha). The main point is that my message got across!

My portfolio is pretty much complete and ready for the exhibit. The only thing left is adding the additional feedback sections and Team report once the exhibit is complete on Wednesday. I am pretty happy with the final look and layout of the website. I think I balanced the majority of text and images evenly, making it no so overwhelming for the but also visually appealing so they are interested in my final product.

To Do

The final things to complete this week will be: my team's final report, updating the sections on my portfolio website, and finally the reflective essay. I have started breaking down my essay into the sections I want and planning what I will write about. So I should be on top of that by Friday.