Poster Refinement
Ingrid Wang - Sun 15 March 2020, 11:36 pm
Modified: Sun 15 March 2020, 11:36 pm
Target audience
The young adults who are interested on making new friends.
It can used at any occasions of party. When there is a family union for Christmas, birthday or other festivals, party cup can be used. Places like bars or clubs will use this kind of glasses a lot. Party cup is designed for fun and funky looks while drinking. It presents beautiful lights when cups collide. every cup has a sensor built inside.The sensor on will detect two colors from different cup to get the mixed color. It is a communication drive activity which is a simple game to help people to make more friends.
The bridge of communication (why):
This concept is mainly focused on help young adults making new friends. Normally, many young adults are projected to be nervous, they only interact with familiar people. this concept is to drive audience to collide with new people.
Secial interactions:
The hoster of this party will display a color mix on the main screen. guests are encouraged to walk around to looking for some one to cheer with them to reach the goal. For example, hoster show a purple one screen. green cup and blue cup should look for each other. And then, people can drive and talking with each other and enjoying a wonderful time.
This game has a reward system that that if audience can mix more color they can get free drinks, which means they most frequently collide with otrhers.
The excepted tools for this concept:
Cups, LED lights, sensor, and database. The sensors are used to detect two different lights when people collide cups, and then change it to mixed color. the database is used to store colors and recoding the progress of each audience.
he cost of this concept is projected to be high.
How to build the database to store and connect with sensor needs to do more research.
How to use algorithm to avoide people to get same col or or cannot pair with others.