Project Ideation
Shao Tan - Fri 6 March 2020, 10:14 am
Modified: Fri 6 March 2020, 10:15 am
Project Inspirations Ideas
I had a few different ideas for my project inspiration presentation and these are the ones that did not make the final cut.

p.s. I used the third idea (bottom right) as my final project inspiration.
I was browsing through the internet to see whether any of my ideas already existed when I found a shoe that is similar to my first idea.
GPS Shoe

The shoe has LEDs in the toes of the shoes. The LED lights on the left shoe point the wearer to their destination and the right shoe shows the distance.

For these ideas, I designed them with introverts in mind. Some introverts have trouble communicating with other people and some of them want alone time and a personal space for themselves.