Prototype done
Paula Lin - Sun 10 May 2020, 10:39 pm
Modified: Fri 22 May 2020, 6:34 pm
Work done
This week I have finalised my prototype and coded to make it work without any simulated aspects. The sound sensor is now able to detect blow from the mouth and the led lights will react accordingly. When the sensor has detected the blow, the pyramid will change from blue to orange. One light will lit up under the camels after each blow is detected. There is a total of 7 led lights under the camels. When all the 7 lights have lit up, the pyramid will change to orange light permanently to complete the whole painting.
I have also cut a hole in the canvas to embed the sound sensor in the painting so that user can blow directly to the painting for convenience.

Overall, I am very satisfied and happy with my prototype. It looks and works how I wanted it to be exactly. Of course, there are always room for improvement but at the current stage, I am proud with what I have produced so far. I am not good with handcrafts or drawings, this project is challenging but fun at the same time because I discovered some painting tricks along the way and learnt how useful Arduino can be! I also appreciate the great supports from the course coordinator and tutors. Thank you!