Reflection (Week 6)
Shao Tan - Sun 12 April 2020, 4:58 pm
In the studio session we learned about how to conduct different types of fieldwork during a pandemic and how to use a Miro board.
Miro Board
This is what my team mate and I came up with. Additional information about our projects will be added in after we determine the details of our form.

My Project - Spud

Spud is a small robot that sits on the user's shoulder and uses its body language and facial expressions to show its sassy personality.
User Testing Ideas
From the background research I have done for the proposal, I got an idea of getting participants to show what body language they think is suitable for an emotion. Participants will be given a figurine/teddy bear to move its limbs to create body postures and paper cut outs of eyebrows to position it on its face to create different facial expressions.To find the best method of a shock factor, different methods of shocking participants will be used. For example, the Jack-in-the-box with springs, glowing red, showing teeth, etc.
All of these testing will be done with my housemates during the mid semester break so I can start building Spud as soon as possible.