The final post
Kasey Zheng - Sun 14 June 2020, 7:06 pm
Finally we made it!
The online exhibit has been successfully holding on this Wednesday night. It was really great and exciting to all the works that have been done in this course bi either individual or team. And the whole online format of the exhibition was also surprisingly fun. Because we can quickly join and check other people's work and demonstrations without any physical restriction and extra waiting time by just join the team channel. In this aspect, the online exhibition has its own strength.
There were several crises when I prepared for the online exhibit. First, when I did the final testing of the code to check it every function works well. The servo was falling down from the stand. I quickly found a glue gun, heated it up, and trying to glue the servo back to the stand as soon as possible. After I managed to put the servo back to the stand and make the drop-down and lift-up function finally working. Then the LED lights just stopped working. After a quick check of the breadboard, I figured out it was because the cable of the LED lights connected to the breadboard has been broken. It might happen when I try the glue the servo, cause I kind of twist the stand a bit too much. So I quickly peeled off another 1cm of the cable's coat to make enough room for it to connect to the breadboard. Believe it or not, when I fixed all the hardware parts, my Arduino software on my laptop crashed. I attempted to restart and reinstall the software, but it still didn't work. It was just 15 minutes before the exhibition started. I finally borrowed another laptop and install the software to make sure the prototype working alright. So here's another lesson I learned from the exhibition, always prepared for the unexpected situation happen and always prepared to solve the urgent issues calmly and quickly.

When looking back at the design process step by step of what I have been done throughout the past 13+1 weeks. I feel really grateful that I got so much support and helps from the teaching team and friends from this course. Indeed it is definitely not easy to work on a physical project like this at home without professional tools and equipment. But we tried our best to get all the material by posting, online shopping, and DIYing. That was a challenging and exciting journey for me.

In the end, I want to wish everyone all the best with either uni study or the next new stage of life after graduation. It was great to meet you all in this course! See you!