Week 2: Themes and Project Pitch
Jen Wei Sin - Fri 6 March 2020, 10:27 am
Modified: Fri 6 March 2020, 10:28 am
What did we do?
In studio this week, we had the opportunity to pitch and present our ideas to the class. There were many very interesting ideas combining playful aspects to digital computing which was very interesting. After the presentations, we were able to spend some time theming all the ideas into more abstract groups in order to visualise what themes were most popular among the studio class. Based on what we did, the most common themes were creative learning, bothersome tech and fitness/mental health.
Personal faves
Personally, I really enjoyed all the ideas based of negative response in order to promote behavioural change and creative learning. I enjoyed projects like Chroma as it incorporates learning into sometime interactive and interesting, I think I would enjoy playing around with colour theory targeting children as an audience.
Projects such as the Kitchen Kriminal was also very interesting as it adds a playful element into what would be a boring task. added onto that, it could be used by children anf the elderly as a safety measure concealed in a fun game like tool.
Reflecting on my own presentation, I realise that I should have had more fun with my idea and think outside the box when it comes to idea generation. Moving forward, I am keen to think more creatively not only for idea generation but also to solve problems creatively.