Week_05_Documentation & Reflection

Junxian Chen - Sun 5 April 2020, 10:29 pm

Team Section

In this week's event, our team focused on modifying the team area. From the feedback from last week, we realized that there are still many defects in our current team area that need to be revised.

Problem 1: The ethical principles that should be followed when designing.

When designing a product, we should try to avoid using emotional voice to communicate with users. This form is easy cause the user to resist, thereby greatly reducing the user's intention to use the product.

Based on this idea, the change we made to the design was to convert the voice into a single prompt tone.(Even cancelled) At the same time, we should also consider accessibility and problems 2

Problem 2: The user lacks interaction with the current design

In the cushion design we proposed last week, the cushion will only respond to the user's actions, but the user cannot directly interact with the product. Therefore, in order to add more interactive functions to the product, we decided to give up the cushion and design a new product.

In the process of redesign, we started from the interactive mode, interactive objects, interactive environment. The members of the group proposed new proposals, and then filtered and updated the proposals through discussion and voting.

In the discussion last week, we decided to interact mainly with voice and touch. Considering that voice is difficult to achieve and the efficiency is too low, we finally decided to use touch to interact. The next step is the purpose of interaction, The purpose of our design is to help the user to leave the computer and the desk after sitting for a long time. I initially considered using items that may appear on the user's desk to interact, such as a keyboard that can be shock people, a vase that can be noisy, etc., but in our further discussion, we found these interactions may not achieve the effect of letting the user leave the computer desk. All the interactive methods we can think of can be completed while sitting:(. At the end we gradually shift our attention to the Wearables. As a wearable, he can always monitor the user's physical condition, and will warn the user once the user has not moved for a long time.

The revised team concept

Four white LED patches (8cm * 2.5cm each) have sticky back surfaces and the user can paste and remove the patches on clothes such as jackets and trousers at will. The purpose is to provide more flexibility in wearing and personalized fit, while they are also easy to carry because which has access to tables and can be used in different scenes.

When the user places the patch on his clothes and sits down, the patch starts timing, and the percentage of the current time and total time is displayed on the LED, such as 0% at the beginning. This percentage is also displayed on the LED patch as a colour progress bar in order to provide a more intuitive way to prompt. When he reaches 100%, the patch will start making a beep sound with maximum brightness to remind users that they have been sitting for 55 minutes.

There are two interactive games based on the location of the patch on your clothes.

Case1: When the patch position is close

Similar to a hamster game, the displaying of four LED patches is turned off. Then a random patch lights up for 0.2 seconds and disappears, then another patch lights up and disappears. And so on. Users can shoot up to a certain number of patches (for example, 20 times) that light up. The game will end.

Case2: When the patch location is far away

Users need to shake patched body parts, such as legs and arms. The number of tiles decreases with the shaking time, and the user can stop him when 0 is reached. When the game is over, the beep stops and the time is reset. The goal of these games is to provide a more diverse and playable interaction to reduce sitting time for users, compared to warfare and walking.

Individual section

In this week's studio, I tried to ask tutor for personal design suggestions. I will try to re-establish my personal design from another angle. (The previous electric shock keyboard has become obsolete)

The first understanding I got was: When generating a design idea, you must first clarify what problem the design is based on, and whether it can effectively solve this problem.

Based on the first understanding, I realized that it is wrong to casually think of a design. Instead of thinking about whether there is a better design than an existing idea, it is better to start from the problem and think its optimal solution.

However, this way of thinking will make the work progress very slow, and it is difficult for me to decide where to start solving the problem.

Things to do next week:

We plan to complete the report team part next Monday. I will continue to ask tutor for new inspirations using the studio time next Tuesday.