Week 1 - intro

Sicheng Yang - Fri 28 February 2020, 8:19 pm

Who am I

I am Sicheng, I am already in my last semester of my Interaction Design studying. I’ve been practicing web development skills in my previous study and did have some achievement. I know React well and a bit of Unity. I love playing games, especially those with novel ways to play, for example: Baba is you. So, I probably want to build a cool game in this course unless some better idea hits me.


I want to learn a lot about the design skills of using Arduino and maybe Raspberry Pi making functional stuff. And I want to learn how to build physical components, such as using laser cutting machine. This machine has been on my to do list for a year. It's pretty cool to be able to put our ideas into action with our hands.

In short my ultimate goal is to make a mind blowing installation at the end of the semester.