Week 1_Poster
Jenny Li - Sat 29 February 2020, 8:53 pm

People's behavior and mental condition are influenced by their family environment, their experiences, and their sense of themselves. The maintenance of relations under the same roof is a subject that everyone needs to keep learning and to try.
LOME is an interactive home-installation. It can" listen" to how people behave and say under the roof, and the flower's condition reacts.
LOME can CAPTURE the following SOUND / VOICE at home :
~ Laughing
~ Love expression
~ Polite expression
~ Encouraging words
~ Praise
These features will raise the scale and the vibe at home will be judges as POSITIVE. It represents that the family environment is WARM and HARMONIOUS. The scale will keep within the safe area (green), and the flower will stay in FULL BLOOM.
Also, when these SOUND / VOICE be captured by LOME at home :
~ Crying
~ Loud noise
~ Shouting
~ Bad words
The vibe at home will be judged as NEGATIVE. It represents that the family environment is DARKand DYSFUNCTIONAL. The scale will drop to the dangerous area (red), and the flower will turn to black and die.
By this point, the dome represents home/family, and the flower represent the life and relationship between members. LOME works as a supervisor and reminder for people to be aware of the influence of their expression. It helps people to learn how to restrain themselves and form a healthy and warm home environment.
#socialinteraction #homeinstallation #expression #homeenvironment