Week 1 - The Beginning
Liony Lumombo - Mon 2 March 2020, 12:40 am
Hi! My name is Liony, the student who wants to learn something new almost every time. And I like to challenge myself to do something more than I think I can do.
For this semester, I hope I can create something that can be playful but also useful. Hope I can create that with joyful team-mates.
Activities in Class
I do a lot of things in the class during week 1. In day 1, the first thing we do was making clear what kind of, course, is this. Each table answers the questions then write it down on the whiteboard/paper. There's a lot of rumours and concerns/fears that made me worry about myself in the future. Let's wish the best for all of us. :)
After that, we analyze the examples of Physical. I conclude the characters from them, such as Physical, things what users really need (pro and con digital), users familiar with the device, people don't take it seriously for some examples (e.g piano stairs), and finally it is helpful/useful. And I found there were so many other examples in @hardwareux Instagram. Not all examples fit for specific people.
On the second day, we discussed about HCI Grand Challenge. I got into Security and Privacy Group. In here, I realised that the problem is not about how to make a good or safe product, but how easily people give their data only for an interesting offer.

On the same day, the activities that I like the most is playing cards to find the ideas. Using different words and change it many times will help us think more and variated.