Week 10 Part 1
Rhea Albuquerque - Wed 13 May 2020, 4:05 pm
Modified: Fri 15 May 2020, 8:09 am
This Week
Over the weekend I put together my demo video for my initial prototype. This was a big effort finding the space to present my work and being able to edit this and put this together in the form of a video. After that was submitted on Monday, I have had a bit of a break from working on my prototype.
Today we sat down as a team to discuss our allocated team's appraisals.

We worked well together as a team to stay connected via Zoom and talk about each of the individual's videos and reports and give relevant and constructive feedback to them. Rather than doing this individually which how it is done most the time in DECO it was good to hear the other thoughts from my team members and be able to put this together in the form of a comment to benefit the individual.
I also received my speaker in the mail which I was going to add to my build. This would form as the voice for Emily and she can start talking to the users in their home. She would also say some annoying things to the users if they were not turning off the fans or air-con. I have had a little play around with it so far. Whilst I was playing around with the speaker and looking up tutorials I came across these hexagon paddle pop structures in my Pinterest feed. This instantly gave me the idea of framing my current hexagons in this and this would also allow me to hide the wiring and Arduino board behind it.

The hexagons are easy to make after watching a few videos and I think I will be able to play around with the overall form of Emily and how I can attach this to a wall, with minimal wire hanging out.