Week 10
Shuang Wu - Wed 13 May 2020, 10:58 pm
Before i set up all the devices, i made a evaluation to see how would the intended experience go like. In our initial concept, there would be 4 receivers with audio players in the front, back, left and right, and the user would paly the game in the middle of these devices. I had a concern at that time that can the user identify the directions when playing this game? Because turning back can result in losing directions for people cannot see. Therefore i conducted this evaluation, i let 3 roommates get blindfolded and simulate the game experience. As expected, they lost directions after turnnig back and shooting the back receivers. Because it would foce them move their footsteps,and cannot find the original position. However, shooting at the other three directions would never let them move footsteps and get lost, because they don't need to move their feet to da that. There finally i remove the auido and receiver at the back.

The whole project is divided to each team member, the intended interaction plan would be complete when everyone's work connected together. At that time, the whole project will be like a hering and shooting zombies game. There wil be a background story telling the user that he will play a blind hero with super hearing ability to fight against zombies for protecting their family in the plot mode. The main interaction is to shoot at the direction where the sound of zombies' attack come from. In addition, there will differenet game mode as well. For example the hard mode has interference from other sound, like the rain and wind. The frequency of zombie's attack will be increased, as well as the interval will be shorten as the the difficulty of the game increased. Besides, the user can start/end the game and select game mode by a voice recognition system.