Week 10
Kasey Zheng - Sun 17 May 2020, 10:29 pm
Modified: Sun 21 June 2020, 4:26 pm
Tuesday Studio Session
During the whole studio session on Tuesday. Our team spent 5 hours together watch the prototype demonstration video(also scanning the document as supply material) to discuss and give critique for the other three teams. Here are the details about how we conducted it and how I feel during and finished the whole process.

How we did it?
We first set up a Google doc as the place to write individual critique while watching peers; demonstration video. Then we watch the video individually but at the same time while writing down the personal thoughts and suggestions in the doc. After that we go back and discuss our thoughts as a team on Zoom. The discussion usually lasts for about 10 minutes for each project. We manage to gather thoughts from different aspects since we all have different specialists. For instance, Jay is more confident to give suggestions from the technical aspect. Listening to what he said definitely helped me to look at the same project from different points of view. As for myself, I tried to give advice from user experience aspect. Which including how could the intended experience could make more sense in that using scenario and how the technology is used could serve the concept more precisely. After the studio session, each of us assigned to summarise each individual’s critiqure together and pull it up as a collaborative team appraisal.
What do I feel?
The process of giving appraisals for the other three teams' works probably is the best teamwork we have done so far. We got all the four-team members together working on something together during the whole studio session. And we finished watching all the demonstration videos and write the critique in a really efficient way. Personally, I did with 2.5 team appraisals summary tasks assigned by Wednesday noon. I feel really good that I was finally have done some work without any procrastination these days. This is mainly thanks to the endeavour when we are working as a whole team. I wish we could work as a team efficiently, not only for this time but for more time in the future. Watching other teams' and individual's work is also inspired by me. Because I wasn’t really know about what other peers prototype building process and final result before. This session really gave us a good opportunity to look through other's work and rethink about how the work has been done so far of myself.
Individual Prototype Evaluation
I have also conducted an individual online evaluation. The complete evaluation document could be found here(→Prototype Evaluation doc:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ogrdpYUfY_sQ4ReFOyX76Jj0Ll31bCEj6idHkkVMurI/edit?usp=sharing), four participants have been involved in this process. Five feedback questions have been created for the evaluation. I'm aiming to collect five user evaluation feedback form people who may have experienced being with children from grades one to three in primary school.

Friday Workshop Session
On this Friday, I got the opportunity to talk about my own concerns about the process of building the prototype and the next movement for the following weeks. I did feel much better after share my feeling and got many advices from both Alison and Clay. Thank you both a lot! :)