Week 11
Peiquan Li - Sun 24 May 2020, 10:19 am
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In this week's studio, we talked about the following questions.
What is one good thing you can say about lockdown?
I think lockdown gave us a chance to get used to those tools that we barely used before. Few months ago I would never think about using Zoom and Miro to engage in this course and cooperate with my teammates, so it is good to have a new form of course delivery. Also, it pushes us to adapt to complex cases, find alternative approaches while encountering difficulties. Overall it is a memorable experience during this semester.
Based on feedback to date & what you have left to complete: What are your key priorities?
The key priority is to combine each teammate's components in the following weeks into a single installation, as we are working collaboratively as a team. Also, we are considering to add more features to existing prototypes, based on the useful feedback.
What concerns/questions do you have? (doesn't have to be directly project related)
At this moment, because the pressure sensor I have is RP-C18.3-ST Thin Film Pressure Sensor. It is a 0.4mm thin flexible sensor with low response time (<10ms) that can be contained in various physical things. The only concern is that the pressure measuring range is from 20g to 6kg. So that the pressure sensor can not hold the weight of an adult. We need to figure out some alternative approaches in the final design, either using other ways to detect pressure value or use some structural designs to place the sensor properly so that it won't hold the entire weight of an adult.
About the pressure sensor's concern, we got some useful advice from our tutor. One is using bathroom scale to track weight and send the data back to computer, we got some tutorials online for consideration. But lack of coding examples to get started. The other is to get a second-hand Wii Balance Board, transfer the data via Bluetooth, the scale really only captures your weight and sends it up to InitialState for tracking and feedback. This sounds more easy for us so we are looking to purchase one.
Also, we brought the materials we purchased from bunnings to uni and start constructing a panel that can allow people to stand on, the supportive structure is still needed to be considered, and the proper way to combine the Wii board. That's our next week's focus point.