Week 11 - Documentation & Reflection

Sheryl Shen - Thu 21 May 2020, 9:21 pm

Key Feedback:

  • Incorporate more physical interaction between the user and the prototype.
    • Project the lights on the wall and the users interact with them
  • Change the sound effects
  • ‘Try again’ options or additional buttons
  • design the first game further
  • look into different interaction modes as bop-it / more open-ended interaction
  • difficulty level for the target user
  • how does the current prototype attract children's interest > maybe develop a storyline
  • the consideration of long-term starring at the LEDs
  • The feedback of whether the user has pressed the correct button


  • the suitable way to deliver the concept
  • how to incorporate more physical interaction

Key priorities:

  • Analyse the feedback and determine the next step
  • Talk with our team to decide about the final delivery
  • Discussed with the teaching team for further suggestions
  • Improve the communication of the work (prototype itself, video presentation)

I have received beneficial feedback in terms of the deliver approach, interaction method and the prototype itself. There are several sections I would like to revised on my prototype:

  • incorporate more physical interactions with the users: projecting the game on the wall or on the floor, so that the children can use their whole body to interact with the game. The concern was that it would be hard to link back to the physical toy, ITSY, since the toy may limit the children's physical movement.
  • Different feedback: Sound and light feedback will be the output when the user interacts with the prototype. However, the suggestion was that the children may have as they are starring at a small piece of work for a long time.
  • Use flow: The use flow of the prototype is not clear enough as the voice interaction is not yet complete as well as the action to be made to complete to the next game. The process has to be based on the prototype, since with the revision above, the delivery form may be changed.

The next step is to determine the form of the prototype in terms of interaction mode and method, difficulty level and the responds to users’ action.