Week 12
Kasey Zheng - Sun 31 May 2020, 10:49 pm
Studio & Contact Session
During this week's class, we reported back the current progress and the plan for the next two final weeks. We also tested our team channel on Discord to make sure the communication will be taken smoothly during the online exhibit coming up. Besides the testing session on Discord, our team didn’t take any further communication in the past two weeks. As the "team leader" of the team, I set up the Team final delivery report on Google Docs for the team. However, at the moment everyone is busy with their own work, so we haven’t come up with a team strategy for finalise the assignment. I hope we won’t get into the same traps as before, finished the assignment only 1 hour before the deadline (finger crossed).
Q1: One sentence description of concept
The Earth Globe - an interactive globe aim to help children develop good habits for the care of environment, especially focusing on garbage recycling.
Q2: Show us what you’ve been working on
Since last week, I've been working on the design on my portfolio website.
In the past two weeks, I tried to more participants to help me with the evaluation, but it didn’t work as well as I expected. So far I get 2 teams and 3 individual feedbacks.
Q3: Exhibit in 2 weeks - main priority to make it feel “finished”?
- I'll fix the little problem in my prototype next, but I'm not planning to add further function to it.
- no colour detection feature will be added to my final prototype
- the material preparation for the online exhibition (create a logo for the project)
- portfolio website design and building
- write the content for the website
Q4: Questions about the annotated portfolio?
- About reference: I'm using the bootstrap template for the structure of my website, should we put all the reference regarding code snippet on our website as well? Put reference at the bottom of each page or gathering them together on one page
→ put framework and code snippets references at footer; other image/video, just put as source next to them; academic paper, could be reference together or at the bottom of each page
- About link to the main channel and team: Since our team has been shifting into individual project, do we still need to include the team members information and the link to other team members portfolio page on our website?
→ not necessary, but need put the link back to the exhibition page - maybe on the banner
Annotated portfolio building progress
As I mentioned in the report back session, my focus is on the website building during this week. After choosing a Bootstrap framework, I attempt to make each section fit into my needs to present my work. I have picked the colour scheme and fonts for my website. Although the details still need to be adjusted in CSS and some parts by using JavaScript still need to be fixed. Generally, I'm quite happy with how my portfolio website looks like at the moment.
Here is what the website looks like so far:

As be shown in the images, the content hasn't been generated this week. The main body content and media material will be started to make and add to the website step by step from next week. Hopefully, by the end of next week,I’ll be able to finish the website building.