Week 12
Shuang Wu - Fri 12 June 2020, 9:37 pm
To add responsive sound effects and music managment system to the project, first i have to learn how control music playing in Unity. I followed a tutoril about how to control music with buttons in Unity, since i felt it shares the same working principle with my project. As long as i know how it works, i can replace these buttons with the signals in my project.

After the successful attempts to control music, it became easy for me to use the signal from Arduino control music.
Then i decided to play the sound "bang" whenever the player shoot at the target, which sounds like you are shooting actually.

In the game, there should be sounds of zombie's attack played from time to time. To let this happen, i though i can let this sound play in loop with certain delay time. For example, i can play the zombie's attack every 5 seconds automatically.