Week 13 Cont.
Tuva Oedegaard - Thu 4 June 2020, 8:30 am
After Tuesday I worked a lot with my portfolio. I have hosted the temporary version here: https://tuvao.github.io, if anyone wants to have a look. I find it difficult to not work with any frameworks or plugins, so I don't know how I feel about the design so far.

I read the article about optimising images we were given, which was very useful! I didn't know you could do so many specific things to optimize this.
Yesterday I also worked with the team critical reflection, which I feel like is going good. I thought it would be a tougher process to do this, but we are almost finished. I also started drafting what I wanted to be in the critical reflection, and I think I have a starting point.
Today I will work further on the portfolio and see if we can get the prototype working. The other ones are having their thesis presentation this week, so I understand it is difficult to put aside a lot of time for PhysComp right now! But, the problem is with sending data over server so I am not really able to test and troubleshoot this alone.