Week 13 Final Week !!
Fardeen Rashid - Sun 21 June 2020, 2:42 pm
Modified: Sun 21 June 2020, 2:42 pm
This week was our exhibition week and we have completed our prototype and we are ready to present during the exhibition, here is a demo video for our prototype that I showed on my profile and my annotated portfolio,
in my opinion the exhibition went very well. initially I thought having only three visitors for our exhibition was because our prototype wasn't good enough, however after further investigation and talking to the teachers I realised that that was about the number everyone else got. since this whole exhibition was all online there weren't as many visitors as previous years. Here is our setup for the exhibition.

Anotated portfolio:
Alongside our final exhibition we also had to complete our annotated portfolio. For the development of the portfolio I used bootstrap to create my website with some basic JavaScript plugins such as smooth scrolling. Here are some photos of some of the section of what my portfolio looks like and here is the link