Week 2 Presentation PT-8
Chuike Lee - Tue 3 March 2020, 4:16 am
Modified: Tue 3 March 2020, 4:16 am
Title of Concept: P.T. -8

We have heard of smart homes, the description of intelligent environment includes Smart Technologies for home, school, and pretty big also autonomous vehicle developments. A big part of everyday life includes being healthy; health and wellness. How transforming the gym as we know it to Smart Environment with P.T.Bot
P.T. Bot is a mini personal trainer robot. A gym companion that helps you stay on track to achieve your physical or “body goals” when exercising in the gym. Usually a Personal Trainer is fixed to the GYM or gym membership associated with it. What about when you are traveling and would still like the support of an established P.T.Program or scheduling workouts outside the times a P.T. is unavailable? With P.T. Bot you can always have the encouragement of a gym pal to guide you through workouts and develop a personalized interaction over time from the frequency of using the device. It is a little bit bigger than the size of Hockey Puck and is easily packed into a gym bag or the pockets of a sweat pants. Rolling around on discreet wheels, the device follows its user from gym equipment to gym equipment suggesting exercise activity based on the user’s goals.
BB-8 from Star Wars The Force Awakens
Smart Gym at Home
Positive affirmations to motivate the user
NB. positive affirmation starts after the first 30 seconds.
This one is from a childhood game.motiontracker #robot #minicamerasensor #audiocommunication #bodymovementsensors