Week 2 - Reflection
Liony Lumombo - Mon 9 March 2020, 12:42 am
After seeing the inspirational presentations from classmates, I concluded that in general, the ideas they put forward were related to everything that was "smart". And the second most is related to mental health which in my opinion lacks understanding of the problems taken, so some ideas will actually make users tortured.
I have seen feedback on the ideas I put forward and I appreciate the additional suggestions that will be very helpful for improvising these ideas. These blocks are limited to one side only as a marker so it is not complex, which can then be developed into all sides to be more interactive. And some suggestions related to puzzles remind me to add them as a challenge. An interesting game has a competition so users can get better and better. Therefore there is a need for the high score. I found this in one of the feedbacks. Nice advice.
So, I am interested in something related to learning and games. I hope I can find a group that has the same interests to do the adventure in that area.

Soldering Tutorial
I have no experience at all with this, so I have been confusion in making my LED light up. I focus on making the lights turn on, without realizing that the lights cannot be turned off because the melted wire is connected to the entire circuit. I fixed it and I was having fun to learn something new.