Week 3
Peiquan Li - Sun 15 March 2020, 11:37 am
Modified: Sat 28 March 2020, 10:47 pm
UQ Innovation

This week, I've joined the UQ Innovation tutorial, the staff shows us how to use the machines in UQ makerspace, including woodcutter, laser cutter, etc. Though I've been to UQ makerspace in last semester, I didn't get a chance to use these machines. This tutorial just offered an opportunity to get started. During this tutorial, we also learned some safety protection while using this lab, and some software before we start to print by using laser cutters like Adobe Illustrator and AutoCAD. Now I know that, if I want to finish this project well, there are still lots of things to learn about, especially those areas I am not familiar with.
Team X

This week, I have met with my group members. We have a discussion and agree to follow Tianyi's previous idea and develop it, add more functions and interactions to make it more playful. The rough idea was to add more types of reactions except for music, like light, vibrate, etc. Also, more exercise equipment combined with multiple sensors can be included in this design, to increase the form of interactions.
World Cafe
Round 1
In the first round, we focus on several questions:
What could this project be?
What problem is it solving?
What space is it exploring?
Draw from theme inspirations
Think “Blue Sky”
These questions help us to understand the domains and what others are trying to solve.

For example, at this table, we defined the ideas into everyday sustainability. We could combine functions and technologies, refresh everyday items into sustainability promotion. The existing ideas are trying to solve several issues including climate change, waste management, food waste and so on. Those ideas are exploring agriculture, marine biology, pollution and so on.
Round 2
In the second round, we focus on the following issues:
Who are we designing for?
Where could the project be applied?
Which situation(s)?
What experience are we designing?
Think about the theme
Why should we do it?
What values are we designing for?
These questions help us to understand the design purposes and design attempts.

Round 3
The last round we were targeting on the following issues:
How could the concept be realized?
What approach(es) could we take?
These questions discuss potential solutions, we add some new inspirations to the existing ideas or even came up with completely new ideas, which provides more angles to the domain.

Works to be done
During this weekend, our group will shot a video to describe our idea and prepare for next week's presentation. Again, this idea is still in generating process, we are happy to gather any feedback from the teaching team and others.