Week 3
Zhishan(Suzy) Yan - Sun 15 March 2020, 11:55 pm
Modified: Sun 15 March 2020, 11:59 pm
World Cafe
In this week's session, we are mainly doing activities called world cafe. To run this activity, we need to switch tables with new people talking about the main topics grouped based on previous pitch concepts. Each round has two question slides and we need to discuss and put the insights down on the draft. Also, for each round, one of the people sitting on the table needs to stand out and stay as a host for the new coming group members. I was honored to be host twice, it was a bit awkward but fun in general haha!
Round 1: Context
- What could the project be?
- What problem does it solve?
- What space is it exploring?
- Draw from theme inspirations?
- Think "Blue Sky"

Round 2:Domain
- Who are we designing for?
- Where could the project be applied?
- Which situations?
- What experiences are we designing?

Round 3: Refined
- How could the concept be realised?
- What approaches could we take?
- How could we do it?

Bonus: Guest Time!
We had a very special guest sharing his life in London as a product designer, which is fun and I did learn a lot! (Like culture differences, office rules and what the employees are expecting)
Lastly, we picked our favorite topic(idea) and formed a group afterward.