week 3
Xue Xia - Tue 17 March 2020, 12:59 am
Modified: Tue 17 March 2020, 1:00 am
This week we have done exercise “The world café” base on the topics that have been generated. The purpose of the activity is that makes students sit and do brainstorm together to let us understand each topic better and to inspire us by the posters that have done and other student’s ideas that have been come up in the activity. After finished ‘The world café’ activity, we can easy to choose the topic that we are interested in working as the domain in the team project.
The activity separate to three-round, context, audience/domain and refine respectively. The main purpose in the round one-context is to make us get a general understand of the topics and to draw from theme inspiration. We discussed the posters on the base of the topic and summarized the concept of posters in this step. The second round tries to make the student get deep thinking of posters and the topics about the user, context, reason, and value of the design. We gathered all the information on the posters related to the ‘wh’ questions on the teaching screen which is used to lead us to think more about how to develop the topic. In round three, it mentioned the way to realize the design, we also developed more concept base on the topic in this round.
After ‘The world café’ activity, I find that I’m interested in making musical instruments and a broad topic ‘body as controller’. I have thought about the new type of music instrument before meeting group members, however, I had been told to work on ‘body as controller’. We use the time on the course to know the teammate but haven’t decided on the working area of the team project on the course, but working on it together on the weekend.