Week 3 - Day 2
Dimitri Filippakis - Sun 15 March 2020, 9:03 pm
Modified: Sun 21 June 2020, 11:29 pm
Day 2 of week 3 started off with a meeting with Bash Isai in London (felt sorry for him cause it was 11 pm there). He went through the process of what to expect after we all graduate, how we will be competing for jobs. He explained that we need to understand what we are worth so that we can find our self a job where we are treated right. He definitely suggested looking at a requirement agency. In terms of money, he said that each job would only increase salary by a small percentage each year so he recommended that after 2 years you should find yourself a new place to work where they will pay you more. A fun exercise that we completed was were we wrote 50 words about ourselves then cut them down to which we only had three left. This showed us what really defines us as a person and asked us to look deeper in ourselves for this. The following is what I had written and the three words that I had selected.
My name is Dimitri Filippakis and i Am a cloud architect, I am unique because I’m an understanding and realistic person who can be optimistic in times of hope and understand that not everything can be solved right away. I can work hard to achieve goals and tasks, and sometimes allow myself to lose track of time cause of this attribute.
- Realistic
- Work-hard
- Goals

Following the guest speaker, we met with our team and got to know each other with some warm-up questions. After we warmed up, we worked on making a team contract for the semester, this covered topics such as meetings, financial management and emergencies. Following the team contract, we were looked into what we needed for the assignment and how we could develop ideas and the proper process to do so.