Week 3 Team Project
John Cheung - Sun 15 March 2020, 1:15 am
Basically, this is an interactive game that design for users to use their hands as controllers to defeat enemies by flying an aircraft. There are different flying modes that changed by users' gesture. There are two controllers (Left hand and Right hand).
For the left hand, different gestures represent different ways of attack. For example, pointing out the thumb and index finger generates a normal attack; pointing out the thumb, index and middle finger generates a power attack.
For the right hand, different gestures represent different ways of attack. For example, pointing out the thumb and little finger generate a slow speed but very accurate flying mode; pointing out all fingers generate a fast very inaccurate flying mode.
This game is inspired by a poster called running hand, by using hand as a controller, the gamer can control the character to pass different levels. It made me think of a mini game I played in my childhood, which was using hand to simulate aircraft to fight the bad guys. This is a very good opportunity for me to make this childhood dream comes true. Also, I search for a lot of similar games to come up with this project.

Target User

This idea is designed for the public, anyone who are interested in gaming can try this game. There is a special case that I want to mention here. Mysophobia refers to a pathological fear of contamination and germs. They have strong fear toward germs and virus, using a gesture controller can prevent them from touching the physical controller while gaming with other people. This project provides them a brand new option for gaming.