Week 3, Tuesday - World Cafe

Anshuman Mander - Fri 13 March 2020, 2:23 pm

Hola Amigos

Tuesday Session, World Cafe -

During the Tuesday session, the students undertook World Cafe activity, where students discussed about aspects of the theme given to them and then rotate to another table. This ideation process was interesting, insightful and a good warm up to interest students in the various themes. Throughout the three rounds, I was intrigued by difference in the people's perspective of the same concept. An example would be mort for Creative Learning, I personally thought that this idea didn't belong in category because it was basically input and output (an inspiration to research about morse code, rather than product actually teaching the morse code), which I wouldn't put in Creative Learning. On the other side, my mates disagreed that inspiration does come under learning. At the end of session, we got to pick the three themes we want to work on. My top choice was - Sassy Tech . This was because humanising a technology and giving it a character looks like an intriguing way to look into people's mind and understanding their characteristics. My second and third choices were respectively bothersome tech and emotonal totems. The reasoning for these is similar to sassy tech, just fiddling with human physchology.