Week 3 - Day 1 (World Cafe)
Dimitri Filippakis - Wed 11 March 2020, 10:18 am
Modified: Sun 21 June 2020, 11:27 pm
Tuesdays contact was organised as a word café. After lasts weeks organisation of ‘ideas into themes’, this week we had the pleasure to explore these themes further. It was a very enjoyable exercise (the free food made it a bit more relaxing and less linear), it gave the contact a deeper understanding of each theme and allowed for us to develop new ideas that weren’t created. First round was broken into two mini rounds, in round one we through of the potential problem space and alternate ideas from what was already made. After the first mini-round it was difficult to come to a new theme as you’d have to pick up all the thoughts of the last group. The second round was to look at potential users and how they would use the potential ideas as well as the ideas made through the presentation.
Since there was a lot of tables I was only able to make it to a few, but during the break I tried to go through and read the tables butchers paper. The ones that I had sat at included:
- Change through discomfort
- Altered landscape
- Enhanced Mundane Spaces
- Sassy tech
- Change through positive reinforcement
- Creative learning
- Digital Sensation made physical
At the end of the contact we were tasked with choosing the top three out of all the themes, this was:
- Enhanced Mundane Spaces
- Creative Learning
- Emotional intelligence
Overall it was a great day to make everyone think of new ideas and think deeper into the themes.
Below are some photo's of the work done in the class.