Week 4
Shuang Wu - Sun 29 March 2020, 8:08 pm
Idea selection
After we formed the team, the first step was to determine the basic final direction would carry on. First, each of us shared our personal pitch and then looked through other peers' ideas in this domain. For each idea, we talked about three aspects: the relavance to our domain; the feasibility to realise; is it interesting or meaningful. Some ideas seem have been achieved by existing technology,some are irrelevant to this domain. During the discusssion, we misunderstanded this domain at first, but after talking to Lorna, we clearly knew what"Ability-centric interactions" stands for. We're supposed to create some specifc and exclusive ability related things for its specifc target, for example, we can think about what ability or demand the deaf people need.That's just similar to the idea in my pitch. At last we agreed to carry on my swordman hearing game.
Team meeting
We had the first meeting on the Zoom. I led this meeting as the creator for the original idea. Based on what we got now, i listed three main questions for idea extension:
- What other forms can it be?
- What interactions can be added?
- What technology can we use for each functions?
Through these question,we then came out lots of great ideas:
- Infrared beam to detect the movement;
- Photorersistance to detect the movement;
- Add plot to this game;
- Use the disturbing sound to increase game difficult level, like the wind and rain. We can even simulate the rain and wind by water spraying and fan.
Below is the note of team meeting.