Week 4

Gloria Phaik Hui Cheah - Sat 4 April 2020, 2:13 am


This week was stressful being the first week online. We decided on doing a prerecorded presentation as it would allow us to show how pong would be used in daily life. My job was to film, which meant figuring out exactly how each type of chore would be done and what tools could be used to play pong. Due to the restrictions, I had to make do with what I had at home to try to convey the message. Having to figure out the filming and and framing to show the game best was a challenge, then having to edit the videos. It was interesting working these out and we definitely need to explore how different chores where perhaps have no tool or many interchangable tools could still use this.

Response to critiques

The most commented on by far was the usage of the knife in game, where in hindsight would be dangerous for children or if some were too engrossed with the game. Initially, I had thought that cooking would be mostly done by an adult, hence being responsible and that simple flicking motions would not be too dangerous. However, different options might need to be made.

Another common trend in the feedback was that it should be available in multiple rooms. While not addressed in the video, it was what we had originally intended, hence the scenes of a door outside, a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. It could have been made clearer in the video.

Sound would be incorporated, as well as exploring alternative means of playing the game that are task specific, where chores such as cleaning, mopping or sweeping would still work if not be extremely suited for it if where the ball lands over time helps ensure the whole area is cleaned well and no spots are missed, but chores such as cooking or doing the laundry could benifit from a different approach to the game while still being fun and playing a part while completing the chores.

Competitiveness could definitely also be worked on, having a reward motivating gameplay to aim for, making it less repetitive and encourage users to get better at each task.

Other general critiques

A wide range of interesting ideas were presented, and a main trend I noticed was adapting it for use to a group or people, whether in the context of teamwork to complete a challenge, or simply how it would function in a public setting where many others who might not be interacting with it or be the primary user but still be affected.

Other feedback mainly involved developing their concepts further, although a particular area that I noticed was how a few concepts could potentially affect mental health negatively, the opposite of the majority of users that would likely be encouraged. This could involve different cultural norms, which I found interesting especially growing up in a culture different to Australia, where i now live.