Week 4- Feedback on Pitch
Sean Lim - Wed 25 March 2020, 3:55 pm
We just finished our pitch this morning and i believe that we tried to explain the idea of this concept to everyone. It was our first pitch together as a team and although i feel that there are few more things that we can elaborate on for our concept, i am still proud of my group mates. After today's pitch, ideas and feedback given to us was really beneficial for us to generate more ideas. This gave me an inspiration of what i should research on to further improve our concept.
Feedbacks For Itsy
We realised that having a web platform to promote learniing might limit the amount of interaction, many feedbacks related to "interaction" was provided on slack. Having a website for learning might be inappropriate for young children as they are unable to read a website properly. As a team, we do agree that this is something that we have to look further into. We will discuss more about this during this week to see how we can further improve on our concept!
Feedbacks for further discussion as a team
- Determine the age range of Australian learning criteria
- If its learning math, try using other tools such as blocks
- Looking into more learning topic
- Using voice output for the kids(Age 3-4 years old) as they can't really read
- Attracting children's by adding music or design a game.
- Twist, pull ir pushing the toy might be a little too brutal for kids
- Small touches to the bear like making it start growling or roaring happily when succeeding would make it easier for the kids to get attached to.
- Giving the toy a little bit of a personality to create a connection between the toy and user so that they are motivated to use.
Idea after today's feedback
Itsy will teach kids about colours by using a interactive screen that is install on the tummy of itsy. The screen will show different colours and itsy will tell the kids to go around the house to find the colours, the kids will have to scan the colour by using the colour scanner that is install on itsy's eyes.
Itsy will then tell the kids if they have found the right colour or not by using a voice detector. More discussion will be needed as a team before proceeding to implementation of this design.

Feedbacks for Pitchs
Pitch 1 : Fire safety using audiometrics
Using Extend Reality in a home-setup will create a more immersive environment, as users are more familiar in their own environment. It will be much easier
for them to practice fire evacuation plans.
Pitch 2 : EMS - Housework Thread
Maybe using sound to help users understand the ball movement would be a good idea.
Pitch 3 : Emotional Birds
Good way to measure emotions visually. Maybe incorporating other ways to improve a person's emotions through sound can make it more interactive.
Pitch 4 : Musical Points
It might cause some distraction due to the movement of people taking public transport. People might feel uncomfortable using this technology. Using colors to invoke other people positive emotions can
be an idea.
Pitch 5 : Team BrotherHood
Interesting Concept ! you can think of the possibility of how this pillow might affect people emotions when they are stress or angry. Maybe do more research on what are some things that can detect their emotions.
Pitch 6: Garfunkel
It might be frustrating to have all the mundane objects making usable sounds. Having sounds whenever users are doing something collaborative will be fun and interesting to look at. For example having collaborative sounds to make a tune when the users are close to each other.
Pitch 7: Team Twisted
Cool concept ! Maybe incorporating more fine motor skills so that it help kids to learn better.(Maybe more interactive movements like jumping, and moving your arm) and creating a pattern. This game might be difficult for kids to understand, having some tutorial to teach them can beneficial for them as well.
Pitch 8: Lome
Interesting concept to visualize emotion.However, think of how this concept can help people that are suffering from emotional stress for a long period of time.
Pitch 9 : Ninja Run
Interesting Concept to teach the kids on how to code, maybe you guys can look into how you can teach kids using specific teaching methods or finding ways to educate with kids with special needs.
Pitch 10 : Helping Hand
Interesting concept. Making something more portable for the user might be easier for them to carry around instead of wearing it around their backpack all the time. It might also have an opposite effect as this might draw more attention rather than preventing social isolation.
Pitch 11: Bad Skwad
Seems really fun and interesting ! Having multiple user interaction would be nice.
Pitch 12: Mobody
This seems rather similar to a kinect motion game. Maybe exploring more gestures and making this as an everyday interaction would be cool.
Pitch 13: Fitlody
Using different variations of music to pump up their intensity or using soothing music when they are about to cool down would help them.
Pitch 14 : Hedgehog
Really interesting concept.However,try to think of different ways of interaction and also make it become more portable so that it can be played in other places.
Pitch 16 : Team Triangle
Interesting way of interaction. You should also look into ways that can accomodate people with hearing disability as well.
Pitch 17 : CDI - Dancing Elevator
Exploring some other input methods instead of using a password could be fun. Maybe like a quiz or puzzle where you have can have multiple ways of interaction to complete the quiz or puzzle.
Pitch 18 : Team Hi Distinction
Having different materials will give a different feelings.