Week 4 Part 2
Rhea Albuquerque - Wed 25 March 2020, 8:09 am
Modified: Wed 25 March 2020, 8:10 am
The Work Done:
This week was a long one for me. I found out that all of my team was dropping the course due to all the changes. I was quite stressed out and panicking as I had to then take the research and effort we all put in from our first meeting to create a pitch of some sort. I decided to go with a live pitch as I did not have time to put a video together. I decided I would not heavily on the research at this point in time as I did not have enough time to do it in depth by myself. I decided to focus on the implementation of the idea and how it would work and with what technologies. Below is some of the planning and props I used to do so.

After I had decided on how I wanted to pitch I put a slide pack together along with a script so that I could present on Tuesday morning.
How it Relates:
Presenting on Tuesday morning via slack LIVE was a whole new experience. It was a weird concept not being able to see anyone or visually see how they were reacting to the idea. I think I presented my pitch quite well, considering being a solo team. I did have some interesting and useful feedback that should help navigate me through conceptually narrowing down this idea and designing it. At the end of my slide pack I asked three questions:
- Is AR Technology a suitable choice?
- Do you expect people to be inclined to learn from a simulation like this?
- Are there any other functions you would like to see in this?
And I received some valid feedback to guide me in the right direction. To quote some:
“Combining the sound with other technology (AR) can simulate the emergency scenarios and offer them a better learning experience. When use the phone as nav tool, I think you could take users’ different physical conditions into consideration.”
“In terms of immersion, I would argue that VR is a better option as AR lacks the same sense of depth. If that is important to the concept that is.”
“I think it would be better to focus on who you are designing for? For children/elderly people, how to teach them use the new tech... For others, how ar can better their immersive experience would be a tricky part…”
“Using Extend Reality in a home-setup will create a more immersive environment, as users are more familiar in their own environment. It will be much easier for them to practice fire evacuation plans”

Work to Do:
Based on the constructive feedback my next steps in this process is to identify the target audience, narrow down on the concept and pick the technologies I will use and for what features. I need to see if there is a way for the person to navigate around without use a phone. Everyone likes the idea of sounds to move around but I think this needs more interaction so it becomes more immersive. Someone mentioned using the heart rate as a way to make the simulation harder or easier depending on what theirs HR is. This is an interesting this to incorporate and I guess this will make people more aware of their surroundings.