Week 4 - Reflection
Dimitri Filippakis - Mon 30 March 2020, 5:32 pm
Modified: Sun 21 June 2020, 11:32 pm
This Weeks Recap
This week, team CDI created the pitch and finalisation of the idea in which we presented to the class (via zoom and Youtube). Additionally, we received feedback as well as gave feedback to the other teams that presented. The purpose of this was to collect information from our peers to help us iterate our idea so that we create something both realistic and fun.
This week was also the commencement of the 'Virtual Classes' where everything was moved onto a zoom meeting session. Of course, this has made everyone quite nervous with the layout and alterations to the course. Although with the predicament (COVID-19) that we are in, Lorna has managed to work her way around this (which is very impressive for a subject that was very physically demanding). Of course with these changes, there is a bit of a disappointment but there is nothing I can do about that but try and enjoy the work from home. With the first day of Zoom we had a few tech issues but by the second day, we managed to avoid anything major. One major concern is that without being there it's hard for people to confidentially speak out in the zoom, whether this is they are nervous or have nothing to say I foresee that this can be an issue for the subject. I myself will try to give more input in the following weeks.
Individual Preparation Work
The work that i solely conducted for the presentation pitch included writing the pitch (which was a collaborative effort from team CDI) and making the video for our presentation. In making the video I didn't want a boring presentation that was a whole bunch of words on the screen but something a bit entertaining. I tried to include actual faces from our teams, and different images for the speaking. Not only that i tried to make the video start with a big bang with a quick 'old style MW2 Compilation Youtube like' introduction to introduce us and our concept. The video can be seen below:
Feedback from peers
Following the presentation, Team CDI had a zoom call in which we went through the feedback that we had received from our peers. Our team were happy with the feedback that we had received, it gave us a better perspective on our idea and how we can make it into something better. The feedback summarised can be put into a few words, this being:
- How can you dance with other people in the elevator?
- how can you make it more fun
- what is the purpose? calorie or just for fun?
- does it exclude people (those who can't move)
- where is the ideal place (no hospitals)
- could it be placed outside the elevator
- could the dancing affect the environment inside the elevator

Preivew of our zoom call

Moving forward
Lastly, team, CDI has started their work on the report and is taking their time through it to ensure that is has everything covered.