Week 5
Lucy Davidson - Sat 4 April 2020, 5:33 pm
Modified: Sat 4 April 2020, 5:33 pm
Work I have done
I had very high hopes after watching countless videos playing with protoputty so I raced to Bunnings to buy some silicon and the results were … disappointing. It was very clumpy and wouldn't dry properly. I've now realised that my silicone wasn't 100% silicone so I'm going to have another go next week.

In class on Wednesday, we had the report back and then discussed with my team and Lorna about our progress and how we are going to continue with the project. Our team has decided to continue to develop the idea together but branch off in terms of the form, the inputs, and the outputs. I'm glad we're still working a lot as a team and I understand that we do need to do some individually due to access to resources, but I am a bit worried about trying to come up with a form alone. However, I'm going to keep researching and playing around with different forms myself so I feel confident in what I choose to write in the report. I'm also having trouble making any concrete decisions about the way my project is going to go as I feel like its so up in the air at the moment. However, I feel confident in myself to have some idea by the time the report is due. When discussing with Lorna, we were very implementation focused, as we were feeling quite a bit of anxiety around creating this prototype alone. Lorna reminded us that this is all about the interaction between the user and the prototype so I want to keep working on my idea and make it as interesting as possible and worry about the details later.
On Thursday, I had my first prac class. It was a bit more awkward than the Wednesday because no one had their cameras on (mostly due to internet problems) but it felt less personal that going to a physical class, but I guess we have to get used to this with all classes being online. After we split up to go work on our individual work, our team decided to focus on our report to ensure we had enough time to write and edit before the submission date. I got most of my team sections done and now just need to finish up on my individual sections.
On Friday, I had no classes so I decided to spend most of the day working through the Arduino project book. I didn't find it too hard but mostly had trouble with the electronics side. I want to keep working through the book to ensure that I am prepared for the Arduino tutorial next week and can ask any questions while I have the tutors online. I had a lot of fun doing these activities and couldn't help myself timing the spaceship interface project to the song "Red Light Green Light".
Work to do
In the next week I need to finalise my idea to write my individual section of the report. I also want to keep working through the Arduino project book and have another play around with protoputty.
Work that has inspired me
Clay suggested in our presentation to have a look at Sphero. I really like this idea and want to try and incorporate some form of chasing/following the user around in Emily to further annoy the user into changing their behaviour.