Week 5
Kasey Zheng - Sun 5 April 2020, 11:59 pm
Teamwork Progress
On Tuesday, we had the session about how our team is going to work for the prototype. Finally, we decided to go for the option two, which is team concept will keep developing collaboratively while we were working on the team proposal report. At the same time each of us will consider our own specialist/particular interesting point from different aspects.
During the Report Back session, we summary what we have done in the past week and talk about the concerns and plans for the future plan. This session really help me keep motivated because I can see all other peers are working hard on the course and we can also have emotional support from each other.

On Friday's technical support session, we keep exploring the possibility to use some unusual interactive way to express our concept. And as a team we decided go for option 2 to carry on our team concept and individual prototype building part.

In this week, I also started to working on team proposal report. Since I'm in charge to the part how we deal and respond to the feedback in the pitch. I chose to use affinity diagram creating by new team collaborative tool Miro to organize them. It went pretty good; it gave us a clearer view for all the different focus advice and suggestion for our concept. I also tried to read more peer-reviewed paper regarding smell-based interaction to fulfil the theoretical aspect of our proposed concept. I believe the team proposal should be completed in a few days.

Individual Exploration
In this week, I keep searching for an interesting project applying smell as the key interaction way between human and object. One of the Japanese project uses a special smell QR code to distinguish/organize different smell of food and wine draw my attention. I'm thinking of using different smell code to represent different human behaviours affect the globe. Further research to support my personal proposal report will be carried on in the next week.
Since Lorna gave us a new direction to look at how current Australia primary school educate children on sustainability and protect environment. I went through some curriculum materials and introduction in that area and found an interesting project report focusing on such theme we're looking at. I went through it and got some interesting data to support my idea. From next Monday I'll start to writing my individual proposed idea part of the report. (Arduino auxiliary kit exploration is still keeping going, but I will need for some support in the next coming workshop session.)