Week 5 - Reflection

Jason Yang - Sun 29 March 2020, 11:18 pm
Modified: Sun 29 March 2020, 11:18 pm

Work Done This Week

This week we presented our pitch to the class this week. Furthermore, we also provided feedback to all who presented. This was a very valuable task to further support our fellow peers to ensure that everyone was provided detail feedback which will ultimately help improve the overall quality of their concept.

This week also saw the commencement of the 'virtual classes' whereby studio session was conducted via Zoom. It was not all smooth sailing due to a few technical difficulties to ensure stable connection during the class video call.

Individual Preparation Work

Individual Research

Colour Theory

Colour theory is a term used to describe the collection of rules and guidelines regarding the use of colour in art and design, as developed since their early days. Colour theory informs the design of colour schemes, aiming at aesthetic appeal and the effective communication of a design message on both the visual level and the psychological level.

Modern colour theory is heavily based on Isaac Newton’s colour wheel, which displays three categories of colours: primary colours (red, blue, yellow), secondary colours (created by mixing two primary colours), and intermediate or tertiary ones (created by mixing primary and secondary colours). Colours can be combined to form one of the five main colour schemes that allow designers to achieve harmony in their designs. These are:

Tetradic using two sets of complementary pairs

Colour temperature is another vital consideration in design—by distinguishing between warm, cool, and neutral colours, we apparently have the power to evoke emotional responses in people. Warm colours are those with shades of yellow and red; cool colours have a blue, green, or purple tint; neutral colours include brown, grey, black, and white. While these groupings hold true in a general sense, emotional responses to colours can also be heavily affected by gender, experiences, cultural associations, and other personal factors. Consequently, researching the traits and expectations of a target audience is vital for not only fine-tuning the positive impact of colour used in design but also preventing design failure.

Common Feedback and Further Works

After presenting our pitch, common feedback received from the academic staff and fellow peers was to further investigate and research the link between music and colour theory.

Hence, as a result, I found the following:

There have been many studies and academic research papers which have indicated the relationship between the use of music and colour theory as a behaviour modifier. I have found many papers which have indicated that healing has been linked to the use of the arts, in particular, music and colour because of their innate ability to bring about mental, emotional and physical calmness. Although much has been written on the use of colour and music as relaxants specifically within a nursing/medical context, there appears to be little information available as to why music and colour have this calming effect. This article examines music and colour as relaxants by briefly describing the neurological and physical mechanisms that bring about the effect of relaxation. This brief exploration is placed within the context of learning disability care. The aim is to provide ideas for a more peaceful and relaxing environment for an adult with learning disabilities who also has autism and exhibits severe challenging behaviour. The results of a small case study and implications for other areas of nursing are discussed.


  • https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjon.1999.8.7.6649?casatoken=8TqfItljGSYAAAAA%3AWB63lDHwoeOyCiGyrEpymzYwSQLDNBBtcSOgfYgVTl2xxx8t5OBjrhMzlVufDlyu5a18LhKtkAYM7s&
  • https://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall02/V22.0380-001/color_theory.htm
  • https://generalassemb.ly/blog/color-theory-emotional-impact-right-colors-design/
  • https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Rb59CAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=colour+theory+research+paper&ots=GToS0mLdeU&sig=vNX9ww_YOgCcWJOBToiPc1lYGrQ#v=onepage&q=colour%20theory%20research%20paper&f=false
  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/751049?casatoken=U7zUQjjiQ0cAAAAA:EzJTTZCekBY7ksgZUNXDrR1pSfzKjc2K40IV0xzLviC0U9aKyR4b3KqRD9TwwnXHYC2GwjPjTcT3dstv82rBypkutpx0YvhWEZZ5gRCoPTHLn91cB9pLg&seq=1#metadatainfotab_contents
  • https://sp.lyellcollection.org/content/232/1/49.short?casatoken=2Pi4xqw1EL4AAAAA:j4w6CE6Y8-klFPVYsOqAQjdoowj3VrTMYix5r4TXVbPn0rn9zWrhUeQnc8TBSqVXLud0GQ5h1SwmWDD

week5 #individual #preparation #work #team #feedback