week 5 wrap up

Jen Wei Sin - Tue 7 April 2020, 9:29 am
Modified: Tue 21 April 2020, 9:29 am

What we did

in the past week, we were able to finalize our approach to implement the team concept, our team decided to work on individual sub-concepts under the umbrella theme on Musical Things. Besides that, we were able to discuss our team submission and separate out team sections to be done by each team member.

we realized that it was more productive for us as a team to be working on the report/project during workshop hours with zoom running and it helps as an accountability check, sort of like a study group where you have to be working as you assume your teammates would be doing the same. we would work for 45 mins to an hour and have a chat for 15 mins, that way we were able to ask questions and get clarifications on the spot if we were unsure of a report component.

also - I got my Arduino kit in the mail so I'm excited to be playing around with it to familiarize myself with the program and components.

what we will be doing

In the coming week, we will still be working on our documentation and proposal report to be submitted before the Easter break. We will be having a few team meetings this week to discuss team components and the team direction moving forward. It's nice having the assessment due before the break as I would be able to work on other assessments from other courses over the break, focusing my time on other courses before diving into prototyping after the break.