week 6
Jen Wei Sin - Wed 15 April 2020, 3:05 pm
Modified: Wed 15 April 2020, 6:48 pm
What we did
In the studio classes this week, we were able to work on overcoming restriction hurdles. During our studio session, we were able to play around with miro, learning how to utilize it as a tool to streamline teamwork. We started off by using it studio-wide thinking about methods of discovery.
The activity that was conducted required us to answer a few questions on miro, sharing ideas as a large team. It was interesting for me to read responses from other students as it gave me a better perspective on how to conduct my personal project moving forward. I realized that I am limiting myself by only focusing on "real life" user testing and research when there are many different alternatives that could potentially yield better results.

Team Activity
Following that activity, Team Garfunkle was able to create our own flow chart and workspace on miro. We were able to use the tools provided to answer relevant questions regarding our theme and ideas, having broken down specifics, I personally felt that it was easier to write the proposal report as all team members had a clearer idea of our team audience and main focus areas. We followed the guidelines set by Lorna and completed our mind map by the end of the class. After the studio class, we scheduled a team zoom call to update each other on our progress in writing the team proposal report that was due soon.