Week 6 - Documentation & Reflection
Sheryl Shen - Fri 10 April 2020, 4:32 pm
Modified: Fri 10 April 2020, 4:35 pm
In the contact session, we have exercises using the Miro board. The first task is the ‘Methods for Discovery’, where we are required to explore alternative approaches for user discovery in the current circumstance. The image below is the progress I have done for the first task.

Most people use the same approach as I did: Youtube video as the source to observe passengers in the train station, which is beneficial since it can access the experiences that are different from what we used to see. The other interesting observation methods I saw on other people’s work is through social media. Due to the prevalence of social platforms, it is easy to observe people's real-time situations or access information to specific groups. The activity allows me to think of alternative approaches to conduct observation rather than face-to-face interviews and I have found many interesting insights and research methods from other students' work.
The second activity is ‘Breaking down a project’. Each team works on their own Miro board to further break down and elaborate on each section of the project. The activity provides the team different aspects of the concept by considering the pros and cons the product has and how it can impose a positive impact towards our target audience.

Reflection on proposal
My experience on the first team-based assignment is quite positive, since the teams are willing to share individual thoughts to improve the concept and make efforts on the team proposal. The only concern is that we completed the proposal very last minute. Thus, the improvement I think after the first collaboration is that the team can set and agree on the time to deliver the work as well as the responsible section for individuals.
This week, I felt quite relieved about finishing the proposal and having a temporary break out of the dues and the heavy screening time. During the mid-sem break, I will be working on the prototype and start exploring Arduino and the possible technology to accomplish it.