Week 6 (Easter)

Paula Lin - Mon 13 April 2020, 12:43 am
Modified: Mon 13 April 2020, 1:06 am

Work done

Team and individual report have been submitted this week. During the studio, we explore what are the alternatives methods of doing observations and interviews to gain insights. I have chosen my top 3 methods to be conduct online video interviews, online surveys and online discussion forum with target user group. Reasons being it is still direct contact with the target group and able to retrieve first-person experience and information to gain more accurate insights. I have also confirmed my target audience as lung disease patient who can benefits from the pursed lip exercise to improve their breathing patterns, relieves shortness of breath and promotes relaxation.


One week of Easter break, I will be doing some reading and playing boardgames to relax. For the project, I will need to decide on which sensor will be the most suitable to use for my design and interactions. Currently, I am thinking of using the microphone sensor to detect user's blow but there are alternatives like humidity sensor or motion sensor to detect movements. I will also try to complete the mind map on Miro to brainstorm more on my project.