Week 6 - Pandemic Testing and Break
Anshuman Mander - Sun 12 April 2020, 7:46 pm
During the contact session, we got to experience "Pandemic Testing". COVID-19 is rampant and people are stuck inside their homes. So what does this mean for design - unfortunately, the ordinary testing methods have become void. How do we test now while under quarantine and restrictions?, this is what we explored this week in our contact class. In the contact exercise we observed at person on train without actually being on a train (whatttttt). While tasked, I opted to search for videos on youtube while some chose to see this in magazines. It was fascinating to understand how we can test while home, though not being the same it did fulfil our purpose of gaining insights. Below are my insights collected -

In second part of exercise, we were also asked to research for other methods that can also be used in quarantine and below are what I found. Personally, I think online discussions forms are an excellent source of gathering info, which I could even use for testing my individual direction in project.

Break -
My plan for the break (except for watching movies all day) is to complete the Arduino tutorial. Currently I'm on Activity 3 and since I have good understanding of Arduino, I don't think it would be difficult. Over the break, I also intend to complete the interactions for my individual direction. Except for that, I wish everyone Happy Easter.
Adios Amigos