Week 6 - Proposal Before the Break
Liony Lumombo - Sun 12 April 2020, 10:24 pm
Week 6 – Proposal and Before the Break
This week, we try Miro. In that application, we did the method for discovery. In this pandemic situation, it is hard to do the work field tasks, something like observation. But there is a lot of other methods, even for interview things. For observation alternatives, I found three things that can be done: Photo/Video/Voice Elicitation, using the wearable camera, re-enactment video. I can do that to my project testing. But the issue that is in my mind is how to bring the prototype to the testing participants. So, I plan to do the testing to my roommates or someone in the same building with me and keep social distancing.

The other thing we do with Miro is mind mapping for the project with team members. I found that mind mapping is easier to use to find the idea for the project, as all of us think about what we need to extend. And what else we can add in the specific branch, like the target audience and the form. My friends gave the idea about the robot and book, and I can add mine: projected AR game.

My idea for the project is about AR game without a screen to teach programming to the users. And I will create the fill the blank game by capturing the words with the capturer. The enemy for this game is the computer virus that likes to eat the words. As I don’t know how to create it, this idea may change during the semester.

Plan for the break week: keep sane by doing fun activities inside the house. Happy Easter holiday.