week 7
Zhuoran Li - Sun 26 April 2020, 7:19 pm
Modified: Tue 5 May 2020, 2:28 pm
In this week, I have finished gathering user data and learn something about vuforia.
User Research
We are still waiting for more people to answer the questionnaire. However, most of the participants are around 20-30 years old, which I think would influence the final data.
link: https://forms.gle/vcifsSmVGLHDvMUC8

The data has been recorded for two weeks long. There are two participants.

6 people have been interviewed including a four people family and a couple. We are still working on the data, and some changes have been made.(detail can be seen in Miro)
- The kitchen part has been canceled.
- More sound would be added to it.
- A reward system would be added to it.
This week, I begin to work with unity. Following the tutorial, I have success using the vuforia to detect an image and show some changes over it.
I have tried to create a 3d sphere in the scene and another cube(the racket) with the target image. The interaction is wired cause I cannot control the position very well. And If I want to have two physical parts under the target image to interact with each other. They did not work very well.
Also, we have some issues with the device thing. IOS with Mac, Android with Windows. We only have windows and iOS.

My plan for next week with Unity:
- Building the ball game without Vuforia. Using <- -> to control the racket
- Put the game into AR environment. Still using <- ->
- Using physical thing to control the racket
The projector has become an AR mobile view. because the projector requires a very dark environment. So, considering the real situation that people cannot hold a phone while doing housework, I bought the google cardboard. Still shipping, needs some time to get it. But it's not a serious problem.
My plan for the prototype:
Ar part through the unity
building the interface of achievement and items system by XD
Add sound to it