Week 8
Zhuoran Li - Tue 5 May 2020, 2:48 pm
Modified: Mon 18 May 2020, 6:34 pm
User Research
Has done, can be seen on Miro. So, I won't talk about it here. https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kuQ3Bs0=/
This week I have made some progress
We have an Android device now. Great.
With the device, I have met some problems.
- "The device cannot meet the hardware requirement." The screen kept pink and does not show the camera view. -> Change the Color Space to Gamma and select auto color.
- Cannot export the apk. -> When installing the Unity, remember to also select the two options inside the android support. (It's hidden, and it is not selected by default)
- DroidCam can be used to change the device into a webcam.
- The computer kept crashing down, so I did not save much of the screenshot. (Q_Q)
Unity & Vuforia
At first, I build a simple ball game. Three cubes are used to limited the ball. The ball has an initial force AddForce( new Vector3(30, 0, 20)). Cancel the influence of gravity and friction. (But the speed still keeps falling. ???) Using -> <- to control the racket. (Remember to limit the position of the racket)
Then I move it to the AR environment. It works fine and it is simply by changing the camera and add an image target.
At last, I tried to having the physical things to replace the racket, to interact with the ball. But failed. It did not work fine. Now, I'm turning to let the virtual button control the racket. But the simulation of the keyboard did not work fine, still need some time to fix it.
We still cannot have 3D objects(The scanner app can only be run on Android 5 or newer version). So, I decided to make some simple drawings, stick them on the things we need and let the camera detected the pictures.
problems need to be solved:
- physical items' interaction
- Initial position of the racket
- The ball would go through the cube if the speed is high
- The ball begin to move when the game begin. But I want it to begin to move when the camera detects the image.