Week 9 - Individual Concept Development pt.2
Michelle Owen - Sun 10 May 2020, 8:29 pm
Individual Concept Development
Audio Feedback
After I talked through an implementation approach for audio-range tolerances, I went about programming it. It took a fair while and a lot of guess and check, but I finally managed to have conditional audio ranges for three colours: red, yellow and orange (as a result of this, I will demonstrate these three colours working and fully implemented in my video).
Below is a current map out of my colour ranges and, upon inspection, it becomes evident that there are some ranges that are not catered to and major discrepencies between range sizes from colour to colour.

I will still have to simulate the audio feedback for when the user begins drawing. However, I am very happy with having audio feedback for a button/colour pad press. I believe this feedback is very beneficial to have as it indicates if the user has successfully 'selected' a colour pad.
Tidying small-scale
I decided to print out and laminate the colour pads so the small scale appeared a little nice and also didn't rip on touch. I also restripped some of my wires to help a bit with cable management and taped everything down so that the wires didn't impede the overall user experience.

Non-functional large-scale
In order to effectively convey the intended user-experience for my individual design direction, I decided to make a non-functional prototype to scale. I cut rubber, laminated colour pads, taped out a canvas and cut a tarp to size. I am really happy with how it turned out and believe that, in my video, this large-scale prototype of the form effectively represents an ideal user experience

Helper graphics
I have done up some sketches as some of the concepts I discuss in my video are quite hard to make sense of without accompanying visuals. Below are some of the helper graphics that I am using in my video to help with communication of my concept.
A translation of colour coded music notes according to Synaesthesia:

A deconstruction of audio-tolerance ranges with respect given to colour:

And a side on view for the pressure buttons that I have made:

I finished editing my video this afternoon. I believe it clearly conveys the form, function and interactions of my individual design direction in a clear and consice manner. I am looking forward to the appraisals and user feedback for this coming week!