Sulaiman Ma - Sun 24 May 2020, 9:57 pm
Design Process
Simple code
Since there are some people suggesting that we should make the simple make more sense for users from the last appraisal, I just wondered whether the current version of the simple code is easy to understand for my target users or not. And I tried to find some simple code design principles to help me make it more understandable, but it seems that there is no such type of material. So I just planned to use the card sorting to test target users which simple code is can be easier to understand. So, I used the online card-sorting websites trello.com creating four cards with a random order, then I introduced the basic functions to them, and let them do the card sorting.

I found that all the participants sort it like these two results:

So in the next stage, I prefer to use this version of simple code, since it seems to make more sense for users.
As mentioned in the last journal, two of appraisals thought that they feel confused about the difficulty of the tasks, they do not think that the difficulty is different, so this week I was drawing some tasks for user testing, to let the user rate for the difficulty, then I will adjust the difficulty to make it not too hard for all the users to motivate users to use that, but some kind of difficult to keep them engaging and keep challenging for some tasks. The current maps I have thought about this week is:

Since my partner, Bowen is working on combining the two parts of our work together, so next week it will have the full functions, at that time we will do some user testing to choose the tasks for final outcome, and set the difficulty. Besides, I will write the instructions for the users that can make sure they understand the purpose and basic rules of the concept.